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...shall humble themselves...

Humbling oneself brings the picture to mind of someone who defers praise and deflects adoration.  This is what we all strive to portray.  A confident person who does not need the affirmation of others in order to have self worth.  We want to be someone who is not proud, who is not egotistical.  When we receive praise we say, thank-you and smile but try to avoid further attention.  This is what we think is humility.  


We also can see in our mind, someone who has false humility.  This is the person who seeks attention, but when praise is given, makes a shallow attempt at condecending to it, but actually cultivates the praise into adoration.  This person thinks highly of themself and is putting forward a fake humility.


Neither of these are what this is speaking of.  Instead a complete study of the bible will reveal that humility is spoken of by God in many instances.  It is one of the highest callings of mankind.  Micah 6:8 states that the things that God requires of man is to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God.  This does not mean to deflect praise when you walk with God.  


To walk humbly means to come before God in a repentant manner, fully understanding that we are not justified in our own goodness, or our good works.  We are sinful and do not measure up to His holiness.  Isaiah, when he came before the Lord recognized that he did not measure up.  "Woe is me, I am a man of unclean lips!"  It is only through the provision of salvation by God through His Son's death and resurrection are we redeemed and gain righteousness.


Jesus stated in Luke 18:9-14 that the tax collector whose prayer was "God have mercy on me, a sinner." would be justified before God.  He said that those who will humble themselves will be exalted.  This man's prayer was not one of delfecting praise or false humility but one of recognition of his deficiency and need of Jesus.  When we come before God, the first thing we need to do is come humbly.  Confess, repent, and recognize His Holiness.


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