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You have found one of the hidden treasures

Congratulations, your searching has brought you here.  Most people would not click on that Button since it doesn't point to anywhere, but you clicked.  Scripture says that we should Search it to gain wisdom.  So you are seeking wisdom.  We have found some very interesting treasures in the bible as well.  Things that are uniquely tailored for you.  I encourage you to search these things out.


For example:  Isaiah 44-46 tells the tale of Cyrus.  The King of Persia, who set the Israelites free from Babylon.  Look up the story of Cyrus on line and read of his life and his upbringing and then how he entered Babylon.  Then go read Isaiah 44-46 and see how 180 years before the events happened in Babylon, the Prophet Isaiah told of the events.  And named the king by name.  


One of the interesting things is in chapter 45, God describes who created evil.  Read it in several translations and we come to a place where we have to ask ourselves several questions.

  Why did this being/person create evil?

  How does this statement compare with the character of this person/being that you understand?

  Are you able to rectify the apparent contrast?

  What is the apparent purpose of evil?

  How does this fit with the pandemic that is going around this world now?



Let us know that you found this by using the prayer request form below and tell who created evil.  We will reply with additional Treasures.  


Keep looking through the site for more hidden treasures.      

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