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...then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

Writing in the book Revelation 1:17, the apostle John stated that when he saw the glory of God, he fell at His feet as dead.  John recognized his wretchedness, and sinfulness, but Jesus reached out His right hand to him and said, "Fear not..." 


While we may be wicked; while we may not always seek God; while we may not always pray; while we may not humble ourselves; we must always remember that the One who sits on the throne has prepared a way for us to come back into relationship with Him.  Through His Son who paid the fine for us, and wiped away the stain of our sin.  


God will hear our cry of humility.

God will hear our prayer.

God will hear our desire to see His glory.

God will hear the angels celebrations of the saints turning from our wicked ways.

These are the general steps through repentance and salvation, and He forgives our sins, and by His wounds we are healed.  


But as described in Ezekiel 22:30, He is looking for someone who will stand in the gap for the nation.  That people who are called by His name and will stand firm with courage, who will pray for the lives and the healing of the nation. Then if he hears these people He will respond and save us and our 


Do you want to set the clock back?  Give those around us just a few more moments to come to a saving knowledge of Christ.  Then pray!  Be one of those who stand in the gap with other Followers of Jesus.  SIGN UP today..    

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